Saturday, March 22, 2014

Who Am I???

So my therapist thinks it's a good idea to make lists to outline my day and my future goals. Now the OCD in me is in full throttle. However the "wanting to hide under the covers" in me doesn't understand the meaning behind it but hey what do I know? I am part crazy.
So everywhere I turn there is a new list. Your standard grocery lists, kid`s activities, prayer lists, and to do reminders. Then I am assigned to do a daily list plotting out my day hourly so I can't be the "depressed under the covers" girl. 9:00-sweep floor. 10:00-wash clothes. Well I am sure you get the picture. Than I have the "future" list. My five year plan and my ten year plan. I told you my OCD it's in heaven. But what do all these list say about me. So I started.... yes another list. "Who Am I?"

1. I am obsessed with my dog. Sometimes she feels like my only and bestest friend.
2. I am addicted to Instagram.
3. I am a fixer. I want to fix everyone's problems.
4. I am a mother of two amazing and perfect children.
5. I am too honest with my children and tell them everything.
6. I hate coffee or any other hot drink.
7. I am a sinner.
8. I love reading the Bible but have a hard time remembering verses.
9. I have two tattoos.
10. I am uber shy.
11. I LOVE food.
12. I love having lunch with my kids at school so I can be the cool mom.
13. I love lists. :)
14. I cry at the drop of the hat. Seriously I can't stop crying.
15. I have always secretly wanted to be a daddy's girl.
16. In church every time I hold my husband's hand I close my other hand imagining Jesus on the other side.
17. I am obsessed with raunchy CW vampire shows.
18. I have the voice of a 7 year old girl yet really believe I missed my calling as a rock n roll singer.
19. I really want to write a book.
20. I am a thief.
21. I am overwhelmingly in love with my husband and get tingly every time he comes home.
22. I actually give good advice.
23. I get really depressed.
24. It takes me falling down for me to realize how many people want to lift me up.
25. I am a child of God.
So this is me and still not even close. I could list a million more things. If you have defined me by one of these things then you have done yourself and me an injustice. That is my large take away from my sessions this week. Only God can define me because He made me. He knows every part of me and my soul. My desires, my fears, ALL of my sins, all of my loves...and He accepts me. He Loves me. He made me. He knows that I can still love and worship Him while failing Him and everyone else. So while my lists continue to grow so does my love for Him and myself. Who I am will never be complete until He makes me complete.
"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. You hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain." Psalm 139:1-6

In love and faith,


  1. Well, I just learned that we have a lot in common. Girl I love how open you are about who you are. You forgot a few things. You are a great friend, You are a great sister in Christ, You are an inspiration for others. I love you girl and I'm praying for you.

  2. "So this is me and still not even close." I can relate. It is hard to place ourselves in a "box." Thankfully, God knows us better than anyone else ever will…including US. Bless you, Kristie!
