Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Joyful Anitcipation

I remember the eve before Jocie`s birth. With me not being a patient person; it was surprisingly calm. Of course having her was like booking a hotel room. I knew months in advance this baby's delivery date since she was a planned c-section.
I picked date, time, doctor, and had no worries about packing that overnight bag. My Nickolas was a completely different story. Hospitalized two weeks before due date, no bag packed, no idea of what the pain was going to feel like, and constantly wondering how they are going to trust me with such a tiny thing.
Both times for me ended in such a sweet beautiful blessing. Each one happy, healthy, crying, and each with 10 fingers and 10 toes.
Right now it is 2 a.m. in the Carolinas and we are being consumed by rain. In a day we celebrate Jesus, His birth, His life, and His sacrifice for us. My mind of course keeps going to Mary. This young child who was about to birth the Savior of this world. What was she doing this night so many years ago. Wad it cold? Was it raining? How scared was she or was she consumed with joyful anticipation? When did she go from worrying about 10 toes and 10 fingers to the knowledge this bundle would be the sacrificial lamb?
How quickly she had to morph from a child to a mother of the King. Times have certainly changed. In this era she could have chosen to run away, be a single mom, not to have that child, or let someone else take the responsibility of mothering that baby. Thank goodness for God's timing. She did only what she knew her God would command her to do. Be faithful, be fearless, and deliver the promise to the world. There was no social media, easily accessible doctors, or gossip among the news outlet on what she should do. She followed her heart and her faith.
Not only did she carry the light and the truth but she was also carrying ALL of our burdens. Every lost child, every broken heart and promise, every death, and every sin was pressed upon her. Not in the way Jesus carried it but in the way a mother feels for her child's aches. She knew this little bundle was going to redeem all people by bearing their hurt and I have no doubt that became a heavy burden. 
I have joyful anticipation for every Christmas. A chance to see the magic in my children's eyes, share the Story with them, share blessings of our year. This year more than ever count what was lossed and find what we gained from it. Talk about Mary and how she stayed true to her faithfulness in God. I think about the beauty of the those first moments I looked into my children's eyes and counted those fingers and toes.
I pray about finding God's purpose in me through my children. How my failures, mistakes, and rare golden moments will prepare them for their mission for God. I have joyful anticipation listening to Mary in Heaven recount the birth story with such intensity and sweet fervor like all us moms do.
I pray you and your family have joyful anticipation about our Lord's birthday tomorrow. No matter what situation or season you may be in; may you understand there is a reason and a purpose. And above else may you give the glory to our Father for it all.

"So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:16-20

With endless love,

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