Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Importance Of Those Two Bags Of M&Ms...

Clearly from the title you would assume that this will be about what seems my impossible journey through finding good health. Um no. Still trying to figure my way through that.
This is a tale of a mom trying to teach her children a valuable lesson that shouldn't have to be taught. "Your mommy is trying to be a reformed sinner from stealing." :)
I am one of those mom's who tells my children probably more than they need to know. Now I don't just offer it up but when questions and circumstances arise or I need to prepare them for the future I tell them. So yes they know mommy stole from work and while everything seems ok now I will have to suffer the consequences of my actions in the future. While I failed them and it is hard to get over that I find that them learning from this makes things a little easier.
So this tale goes to a movie date with my two nuggets. We went to a local store first to buy our M&Ms.
******now pause right there and let me say that yes I know we aren't suppose to sneak candy into a movie theater. Yet after spending $30 dollars on tickets and $27 on a med popcorn and three drinks; I think I have supported that entertainment industry. I don't understand why I can get two bags for $1.50 at any other store but to see Elsa sing "Let it go" it would cost me $4 each. Ugh. But I digress*****
So in our typical fashion this family is running late. And of course the two nuggets all of a sudden decided to veer away from the easy M&M choice and frantically decide between Airheads or skittles. I grab our usual two bags knowing once we get into the theater the previous choices will be regretted. (I was right of course.) So we pay and off we go. It isn't until we are walking into the movie theater that I realize the M&Ms aren't in the bag but rather in my purse already. I frantically realize that I didn't pay for them but stuck them in my purse. I let out a cry of frustration and my kiddos quickly take notice. I see concern, fear, and worry on those little faces. I explain to them what happened all the while adding petty larceny to my rap sheet.
Now these two sweet innocent kids immediately wanted to know what we were going to do to make this right. I tell them we will head back to the store as soon as the movie ends to pay for them and we will be ok. They asked if they called the police? They asked if we should tell the policeman standing outside the movie theater? They asked if we could just pay for them at the food counter and then they could send the payment to the store? Could you imagine the horror of that conversation? Lots of worry and I honestly don't know if they enjoyed the movie. As soon as the lights came on they immediately reminded me of our first errand.
We walk back into our local store and I explain the situation. The elderly lady behind the counter couldn't have been nicer. "Oh sweetie don't worry about it. You just coming back is too sweet. You don't have to pay for it." I stress to her that while we appreciate that we MOST definitely do have to pay for them. Then I give her that mother look. You know the one you share with other adults that explains "I am trying to teach my kids a lesson here. I need your help with this." Of course she understands my head nods and eye movement. But does she really as she eyes both of my kids wondering which one had the sticky fingers? I then scream in my head with more ferocious head nods and eye movements. "No lady I am doing this so they can see their mom is a reformed thief. I don't take things that don't belong to me anymore. I am rebuilding trust here lady. HELP ME!!!"
As we buckle into our seats Jocie says, " I am proud of you mommy and Jesus is too." I weep inside.
The small things after the really big things are just as important. Our kids soak everything in and they look for righteousness and change in us. We can't always preach without any action to follow. We can't force bedtime prayer but then not let them see us pray before meals. We can't yell at them to stop fighting with their siblings only to hear mommy and daddy throw down harsh words after they are tucked in. God is to be taught by living as an example of His love and a follower of His word all day and all night long.
 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deuteronomy 6:7

 With endless love, 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

An Unwanted Weed...

"Mom you know those dandelions that grow in our grass? Well my teacher said they are unwanted weeds. I think that's sad and not nice. Every time I see somebody pick one and make a wish they are left smiling. Something that makes you happy shouldn't be called unwanted." -Jocelyn 6 years old growing on 30

Ah from the mouth of a child. She continually leaves me in awe. She sees the worthiness in everyone and everything.
Unwanted in the dictionary is defined as being not needed or desired.
Unworthy is defined as:
1. a. Insufficient in worth; undeserving: a bad plan unworthy of our consideration.
b. Lacking value or merit; worthless.
2. Not suiting or befitting: "The acquaintances she had already formed were unworthy of her" (Jane Austen).
3. Vile; despicable.
I think us women constantly mix those two feelings to create a bucket full of immeasurable sadness. Lord knows I am one.
I have had conversations with 7 different ladies in the past few weeks. They are an eclectic mix of women. A variety in age, looks, financial status, relationship status, mothers, single ladies, etc. All beautiful, all tender, and all needing. To be honest before I met with most of these women I thought they would be consoling me through my dark time but selfishly "Thank the Lord" they needed me. They needed encouragement and their soul to be watered. They were carrying big heavy buckets.
Unworthy about work and why didn't anyone see their value.
Unneeded by men who couldn't commit to a single mom.
Unworthy of God's blessings when things finally seem to be falling into place. They are waiting for the roof to fall in.
Unneeded in friendship after being abandoned by a dear friend.
Unworthy of realizing it is ok to be selfish and take care of yourself first.
Unneeded by finding a job after a long time looking.
Unworthy of God's grace to allow herself to believe she has been forgiven by a previous choice in life.
Unworthy  Unneeded  Unworthy 
Over and over again.
“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Psalm

“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.” Eph. 1:6

“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,and if children, then heirs–heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.” Rom. 8:16&17

“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” Phil 1:6

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,…and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” Eph. 2:4&6

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9

My brothers and sisters what more do we need to fill worthy and needed? We were made by a perfect King for a purpose only He knows. And while we will fail and fall He still adores us. We MUST (myself included) accept that His love is sufficient and pure. No one and no situation can strike that down. We were placed in this world to make a difference. It may only be one person that we ever encounter that we can witness to or bless through His grace. Everyone else may see us as an unwanted weed but in Heaven we will bloom for all eternity. You are needed, you are worthy, you are loved!!!

With endless love,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sometimes You Don't Need Words

Sometimes you don't need words to explain how blessed you really are. You just need to open your eyes and be grateful for what is right in front of you!!!

Therefore thus says the Lord: “If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. They shall turn to you, but you shall not turn to them. And I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the Lord. I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.”
Jeremiah 15:19-22

With endless love,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

They distribute the weight...

Have you ever watched Survivor? Have you seen the challenges when they have to dive to the bottom of the ocean and pick up a big trunk of puzzles? You wonder how do they come up?
That's me right now.
It started Sunday morning when love and gratitude filled the air. I was attacked in bed with cards and homemade gifts. Even hubby had his card filled out before the sun set. I was grateful and happy to get all of the hugs and kisses. Then I started taking in the words that was written by 7 year old hands, the hearts drawn by a six year old, and the love being poured out by the most loving and forgiving mate ever. Then I started to sink.
In brutal honesty I felt worthless and like a fake. I went to church and held the hand of my beautiful mother while she stood in front of a congregation to share the new joy that has filled her heart. I see the eyes of my pastor who just weeks ago prayed over me and my sin. He was saying greatness comes even in dark times. I just thought surely there was somebody better to hold my mom's hand. Lunch was sweet and joyful but I couldn't take in food but rather drank in more sadness. My nap was longer than usual and I blamed it on being a special mother's day snooze. Kids went to bed and I smothered them with thanks and love. I couldn't even look at hubby because the tears were so heavy.
I was that girl on Survivor trying to pick up that trunk but it kept getting heavier and heavier. The next few days it was weighted with slimy stinky yuckiness. That's the best way to describe it. Plain `ol yucky.
Anything that could be used to attack me was placed in my head and my heart.
You aren't good enough.
Your selfish.
Your lazy.
They deserve better.
You think you can swim through this but let's face it you are drowning.
It is hard to explain but these attacks come and they leave me in such a haze. Kind of like I am walking in a fog. I don't soak in God`s word. I don't extend extra hugs to the kids. I think it makes more sense to sleep then exercise. I am overly sensitive and easily annoyed. I just go through every moment so robotic without emotion. It is really embarrassing to admit that I can crash so easily.
However I am telling you this with a sense of optimism. The old me would keep this in but the new me is a fighter. I have an understanding and a desire to just drop that heavy useless weight and swim to air. To freedom. This isn't a woe is me but rather a victorious is He!!
I heard Joyce Meyer one day say that the Spirit doesn't want to grieve. Whatever we experience the Spirit also takes in. He fought hard for me these past few days and showed me ways to battle through. I immediately texted a friend about all of these feelings. She took some of that weight. I cried in front of hubby and told him I felt unworthy of this day. He hugged, he loved, and he too carried some of the weight. I found rest and peace in the moment. I didn't falsely dig into the Word or give God routine prayers. I just stood still and listened. I listened to that Spirit calling me home. I could tell my Lord with candor that compared to all of these other moms I don't stack up. The moms who are fighting for their life to spend another day with their kids, the moms who breathed their last breathe before they get to be spoiled on mother's day, the moms who honestly work full time and still give their kids everything when they get home, and the moms who would give anything to take their child's sickness away. They are the ones who deserve the kisses, hugs, and crafts.
He holds me, He loves me, and then He cleanses me. I am awakened and the devil loses once again. I ABIDE in His presence. I don't naively think it won't happen again but am relieved to know I am not alone.
The only way that guy on Survivor wins that challenge is when his team jumps in to help him. They distribute the weight. I need my Christian community of friends and loves to get me through. I need you!!!!
My friend sends me this quote and I know I am loved and not alone.

So I do what any mom would do once the depression loosens it's reign. I tell the kiddos to come outside and I surprise drench them with the water hose. That's what a great mother would do. The squeals of surprise and laughter set me free. Now I can float to the top.

 "He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out of many waters; He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me." 2 Samuel 22:17-20

With endless love,

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Staying Hydrated

I detest water. Yep I said it. It does not quench me on a hot day or provide me fulfillment after exercise. It has no taste and nothing makes it visually appealing to my eyes. I mean come on people haven't you heard of a coke? Now that's what I am talking about.
Yet it is a necessity for our bodies. That I can't dispute. I would rather give up all the chocolate and pizza in the world than rather drink water ALL day. Too bad for me that isn't an option. To become the person I know I have been called to be I have to become mentally and physically healthy. Note I am not saying skinny. I am a realist. So water is the key to kick start this process.
Some of the benefits of water are:
1. Helps energize muscles.
2. Helps control calories
3. Makes the skin look younger.
4. Helps maintain the balance of body fluids.
5. Helps flush your kidneys.
The list goes on and on. Sounds like magic write? The problem for me is the commitment to it. Everyday??? All day??? I think after two glasses I have succeeded the mission. Now give me my coke. Kidding!!!! Maybe...
While one glass is a great start to having better health and a better body it has to become a long term commitment. A life changing process where you value water more than anything else you place in your body. Then the healing begins.
So are you hydrated? Are you getting the daily amount required to live a healthier life?
Next question? Are you getting the same sustenance from the Lord? Do you take in the Spirit and the Word for a fuller life?
It's no secret that I have been wallowing in grief for awhile but now I am being drowned in the grace of God. He quenches my every need. Wow God is so good.
Here are the benefits of daily communion with God.
1. Abundant life. He fills you with emotions of contentment and thanks so nothing else becomes a necessity.
2. Real Truth. Soaking in His word shows you the real you. You can scrub off all the dirt you have layered on to blend in or hide from this world. He gives you a mirror too see the brilliant amazing you that no one else can define.
3. Forgiveness. He FORGIVES you. He forgave you the moment our Christ shed His blood. Walk into that grace. Heck swim in it. Being free of shame, guilt, and hurt is a glorious thing.
4. Faith. This beautiful release from worry and anxiety is such a refreshing tool for your body. Daily struggles and worrisome events begin to flush right through you. They no longer dwell.
5. Conviction. You are filled with determination and armored with the Word of God to keep moving. Blast past those road blocks that want to stop you in your tracks. You will be ready to go in directions you never knew were there. 
6. Joy!!!!!!!! Sweet pure intoxicating joy.
Ah the refreshment of the Spirit. Now that is better than a coke. Being filled and nourished by God is like being covered in your favorite blanket on that first snow fall. It is rejuvenating like when your toes step in the sand at the beach on the first day of summer.
Oh my friends the benefits go on and on. They are infinite and enduring and more refreshing than a glass of water in my opinion.
I pray you partake in the daily process of soaking in our Lord.

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

 With endless love,

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Things are about to get real.

Let me warn you that this is going to be a LONG entry. Epic I tell you. Chapter esque compared to my normal length of thoughts. If you plan on reading then you better commit. You can't do this in your car or at your desk at work. You might miss something. I also am very much aware that this entry may cause me to loose some of you amazing readers because it eventually just becomes too much. However this entry is for me. Selfishly ALL for me. It is me finally trying to glue all the pieces together and make sense of everything. I wish I could draw little lightbulbs at the end of some sentences because things are starting to grab my attention. I actually woke up at 2:00 am last night ready to write like a maniac but we have a house guest and I didn't want him to come across some manic woman typing away. So let me start with what I know and glue everything together....
I vividly remember in December coming back from a date night with Philly and being emotionally attacked by a song I had never heard of before "Psalm 139". My heart began to shatter and each word pierced me with a fine point needle. I know Philly had to sense something because I began crying and so many emotions came rushing out. Guilt, shame, fear, loneliness, and despair to name a few. I have had all of these inside of me steaming like a hot furnace for years but they began to erupt and overflow. Then I heard that voice, the one you just try to reason as doubt, insecurity, or an inner voice talking, scream to me "ENOUGH". The Spirit was done being a captive in a dead body. 

I became restless after that and fearful. I didn't want to go to work in which I was buried so deep in sin. I tried looking for another job. Many sick days were used.
**** But if you felt so bad about what you were doing and so scared why not stop? Why not ask for help? I want to tread lightly on using the word addiction here. In my mind addiction ties closely with victim and I detest that word. I was letting my flesh corrupt my mind and soul to think there was just no other way out. Like an alcoholic who knows one more drink could cost him his family and love; I guzzled the perception that I would be bankrupt and disappoint so many if I didn't steal. It's hard to describe but really simple as that.
Then fast forward to a weekend in February where I was able to escape that world for a few days and head to the beach with family and friends. (I stole to be able to do that.) Philly came down a day late due to work so I was planning on ditching my usual routine of waking up before sunrise to go witness the beginning of the day. I just wanted to sleep in a little late beside the man I love. Around 6:50 me eyes fluttered and I noticed the window. The light behind the window that had blinds and curtains closed tight was calling to me. Imagine a nature show where they show you in slow motion a vine growing up a tree. Brilliant light was creeping in that room and it was attacking every party of me. I gave in to it and grabbed the phone and bible. He was calling to me. My favorite thing in the world is capturing photos of beach sunrises so I have seen A LOT in my life but my friends nothing can describe the beauty of that day. A new day, a new dawn, a new beginning. I even quickly texted Philly that he had to see this but I couldn't woo him out. I was witnessing the glory of Heaven and the Maker of all things giving the world light and preparing to take the darkness away from me. Then that inner voice wrecked me and said "It's done". I fell to my knees begging for mercy, forgiveness, and rest. I was tired and weighted down by my own faults and failures. I felt like Peter after he heard the 3rd crow of that darn rooster.

*** So you are one of those that hears the voice of God but you are also a thief and hypocrite? I hadn't heard that voice, that calling, that sure authority ever before in my life. Not like that. Not with such power and such assurance. Maybe before in whispers but only when I was a child.
Four days later I am facing judgement. They come into work and say "We know, your fired, you will be prosecuted." I leave with me head heavy facing the floor and my heart light. I am embarrassed, regretful, and so thankful it is over. God (yes God) stopped it on His timing because I was to weak too.
Now I have been left with replaying all life decisions, focusing on my past, seeking therapy, telling loved ones about the real me, and diligently trying to understand. For some people it is a black and white issue. For me it is a spiritual revelation between God and the devil. A war over me because yes I really am worth fighting for. You see I am a good person. A beautiful soul. I have always had a heart for people and a compassion to make things better for anyone who would allow me. I have a nurturing soul and am looked to by many as a confidant who will always be truthful. THAT IS ME. A confident overweight girl who knows I have an inner beauty that was gifted by my Lord. I know this and thankfully many of you agree which makes my heart swoon. And while yes I am a thief and have lied about it for years to doubt my inner being is wrong. It is simply wrong. Every tear, every act of love and kindness, every conversation has always been genuinely me. If anything it makes sense on why the devil would want to destroy me. My God has a greater purpose for me and it scares the devil to death. So as soon as I get baptized into the kingdom of God it would only make sense that the devil would use anything he could to destroy me.
I am weak is an understatement. For the  past 16 years I have let the flesh and not the Spirit control me. The devil knew exactly where to attack and he did so in two places. First he used all of the spiritual gifts I had been blessed with against me. I intertwined my thievery with the fruit that I wanted to lavish on everyone. I had to throw the best parties, give the best gifts, pay for dinners, take care of my grandmother's bills, give money to family, throw showers for people, give my kids the moon and add some stars, pay for groceries and unexpected bills so hubby wasn't stressed, and be willing to donate for any cause. I am not trying to sound like a martyr but in some perverted way I thought I was robin hood. I did none of this to be popular but rather to be looked at as the selfless giver and nurturer that I knew I was. (lightbulb) Disgusting I know and it makes me want to throw up. To finally see that lie and accept it is heart wrenching. Now let me also say that I wasn't selfless. This is where stage two of the devil's attack came. I would buy for me but it wasn't diamonds, clothes, and over the top material things in excess. I didn't mind walking into the party with old clothes as long as the present was the biggest. I treated myself with food or rather purged my guilt with it. (lightbulb) Lots and lots of food. So this once sparkling 160lb beauty is now treading close to 300. That confident girl who didn't mind her skinny friends slowly turned into an obese woman who couldn't find anything of value inside to offer anyone. The solution? Steal more, they will need you more, eat away the guilt, and slowly lose your true calling from God. (lightbulb). A slow, ongoing, and vicious cycle.
**** So how can someone who claimed to love God be such a hypocrite? How could I always advise others to trust in God? How do I do all of these things and still claim to be a Christian? In the simplest way... I wanted to love everyone the way God called me to love them but devalued my own self thus the vicious cycle. The Christian part? I had to battle that one but have you met a perfect Christian? If you judge me then do you understand the word of God?
So now I have to look back at what made these small instances turn into a spiraling tornado? This has become so much clearer. The devil attacked when I was lonely and bored. Bored meaning I wasn't applying my creativity to express my feelings. I wasn't writing (which is my passion), I wasn't releasing energy that then turned into anxiety, or socializing among the Spirit which is what we are called to do. Now the loneliness is a hard one to discuss because it hurts to talk about. How can I be lonely with an amazing husband as a best friend, a mom I talk to daily, and sweet loyal friends? Easy I was trying to give them more then they gave me. Not their fault but mine. I couldn't be honest in what I needed in prayer and support. I thought a true friend was letting people lay their burdens on me but never dared to do the same. Now there are two exceptions to this rule. Two people who oozed humility, kindness, and never took more from me then they gave me. My kindreds. One I lost during my relationship with Philly because who doesn't sacrifice friends for a boy? It didn't mean I was turning my back but rather high school best friends growing apart as we grew our own families. The other I met at work and quickly could a day not go by that we didn't need to talk to each other. I felt like she was ripped away from me just as soon as she had her first child but her heart urged to move back home to Louisiana to be with her family. These two women have loved me so much and taught me about goodness. While two completely different women their souls were the same. I always think they were drenched it honey. Never did they ever say a foul word, become bitter about anything, and both of their ultimate desires if asked was to just be a mom. When we had our previous moments together it wasn't filled with gossip, selfishness, or complaining about the works being against us. It was sweet happiness. Then just like that they were gone. Now my life has been blessed with a multitude of friends since then. Some that I even consider family now. Weddings have happened and babies have been born. I am blessed with friends who love and support me especially now. While I love these women and need these women it doesn't meet the same kind of urgency to tell them everything. It is like each of them fill me in a different way but not a complete way. Some I used as my prayer warriors, some my drinking buddies, some my movie friends, some my complain about men, some my I love food, and some my play date mommies. All of these women are amazing and most likely could fill all my needs but I kept up a wall. I can't blame them or myself for letting the hustIe of our lives keep us apart for sometimes months at a time. The devil used my insecurity and my sin to keep me from realizing how I truly needed a sister in Christ. You see I don't need a convenient friendship but rather I need a friendship that travels all mountains, all valleys, and does nothing else but glorify our relationship in Christ. I am just filled with loneliness among a sea of women and all I want is huge hugs from my kindreds. I pray that all the friendships I have now can grow in that way. I had a friend this week question my need to tell every person that I have come across what I have done. "That is between you, God, and your family. You don't need to reveal that to everyone. " It was hard for me to explain it but it is a way for me to purge my guilt. Honesty and vulnerability are new to me but it needs to be a requirement if I am to strengthen my relationships. Also I selfishly need people to shower me with mercy to feel valued. (Lightbulb) If I can bring nothing to the table except a sinful past and still be loved....well...what do I need to steal now?
So now here I am shedding my past and ready to grow. How do I move on? How do I fix the boredom and loneliness? How do I avoid temptation and bring myself to people and not stolen gifts?  Grow fruit!!! In the book of Luke Jesus goes to a fig tree with leaves and rebukes it. I was quite confused by that but after research I figured it out. That darn fruit tree is me. When a fig tree has leaves that is a sign the figs are ready to be pulled. Jesus goes to that tree and sees a lie, a hypocrite, an inadequate tree not yielding what it was planted for. I am that tree and I refuse not to bear fruit.
I talk to the devil. That's right I rebuke him every time he manages his way into mind. He still tries to break the flesh.
I am no longer going to punish myself with food. Instead I am going to use exercise as a holy experience with God and take care of this temple.
I am going to serve you!!  I am going to nurture, love, pray, and shower you with adoration just as my Father does me.
I am being called into a world that is ready to be served. It may be behind a jail cell, through this blog, through ministry with church, or finally that book that is starting to open in my mind. God is ready for me but He had to break me first. I am so glad he did! Someone sent me a quote that said our greatest calling can come when we have fallen so far. I truly believe this.
I had to write this many times over because I needed to make sure that God approved every word.
I need a million prayers on this journey. Prayers for me to not fear the future, prayers for my walk with God, prayers for me to battle to win the war with food, and prayers to just be me.
You can breathe because I am finally done. I can breathe because I can finally live.
With endless love,

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Skipping Through Life

I have accepted that my 6 year old daughter is better equipped to write on the beauty of this life than me. Today she is my Stab Of Joy.
My favorite part of the day is now getting to pick up the kids from school. I love seeing them find the bright yellow car in the row of vehicles and seeing that instant smile that screams comfort and security. The other day older brother played the sick card and was able to video game his way through the day. We went to pick up Jocie and I told him to count to 3 once she saw us.
"Just watch what she does."
Grumbled exhale "1..2..3.."
Then that 6 year old firecracker does what she does best. She skips.
"Why does Jocie do that ALL the time?" he asks.
"I don't know. I just know it is like clock work."
She bounces into the car full of joy and wonder. She is quickly interrogated by big brother as to why she is in constant skipping motion; at the car line, middle of her soccer game, going into church, etc.
Exasperated but ready to fight for her belief she responds, "Nick why not skip? It is faster than walking and if you run you miss all the things you pass by. Plus I am sure in Heaven there is a lot of skipping."
Yeah big brother just got served.
That girl. That honesty. That little body filled with the Spirit. Hallelujah!!!
I know all mothers see genius in their children while the rest are left scratching their heads.
"Really you think your daughter is smart?" She just ate grass.
"Of course he is the sweetest!!" He just pushed his little brother into the wall.
"Why yes she really is so well mannered" Now let me scrape her gum from the carpet and wipe marker off the wall.
Us mommies can be blind creatures when it comes to our young.
I use to really think that was the case when moms would praise their children on being filled with the Spirit and speaking greater words then what comes from the bible. How could an 8 year old know more than me? Now I get it. Jesus calls us to be like a child with never-ending faith and unwavering love for our Father. They see the pure, honest, easy path to God. Now I DO believe it involves skipping. Do not be sluggish or too lazy while doing the will of God. Don't run so fast that you miss the beauty and purpose of this life at this moment. You will be left tired, lost, and breathless. And I do believe that every step towards eternity with our Father should be done in joy and merriment while we take in all that He blesses us with. Like any child`s adventures it will be full of scrapes, bruises, and a multitude of tears but we have a Father who has arms outstretched ready to pick us up and take the hurt away.
So no longer will I judge the mom who brags on the child who is in love with God. Rather I will observe, learn, rejoice, and skip with them until the end.

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 18:1-4

With endless love,